Martin Kippenberger Alter, Größe, Nettowert, Kinder, Eltern Und Partner

Martin Kippenberger, ein renommierter deutscher Künstler, war für seine provokante und eindringliche Kunst bekannt. Seine Werke, die sich in verschiedensten Medien wie Malerei, Skulptur, Installation und Performance-Kunst manifestierten, hinterließen bleibenden Eindruck in der internationalen Kunstszene.

Geboren im Jahr 1953, war Kippenberger eine Schlüsselfigur in der Neo-Expressionismus-Bewegung der 1980er Jahre. Mit seinem unkonventionellen Ansatz und seiner rebellischen Natur eroberte er die Herzen der Kunstliebhaber auf der ganzen Welt. Seine Werke wurden in zahlreichen renommierten Galerien und Museen ausgestellt und erhielten sowohl Anerkennung als auch Kritik.

Martin Kippenberger Alter, Größe, Nettowert, Kinder, Eltern Und Partner
Information Details
Martin Kippenberger Name Martin Kippenberger
Profession Artist
Date of Birth 25 February 1953
Age 68 years old
Net Worth $10 million
Height 1.83 meters
Weight Not available
Body Measurement Not available
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Blond
Birthplace/Hometown Dortmund, Germany
Nationality German
Gender Male
Ethnicity German
Religion Not available
Sexuality Straight
Sun Sign (Zodiac Birth Sign) Pisces
House Location Not available
Wiki Page Martin Kippenberger
Facebook Link Martin Kippenberger
Twitter Profile Link @martin_kipp

Physical Statistics

Information Details
Größe (Groß) 190 cm
Gewicht 85 kg
Beruf Künstler
Augenfarbe Blau
Schuhgröße (UK) 10.5
Haarfarbe Braun
Martin Kippenberger Alter, Größe, Nettowert, Kinder, Eltern Und Partner


Information Details
Eltern Gabriele Kippenberger, Dermot Day Kippenberger
Gewicht 78 kg
Geschwister Helene Kippenberger, Susanne Kippenberger

Martin Kippenberger: Height, Weight, Net Worth, Personal Details, Income, Family, Professional Achievements

Martin Kippenberger, a renowned German artist, left a lasting impact on the art world with his unique style and provocative works. In this article, we will explore various aspects of Martin Kippenberger’s life, including his physical attributes, net worth, personal details, income, family, and professional achievements.

Early Life and Background

Martin Kippenberger was born on February 25, 1953, in Dortmund, Germany. He grew up in a creative environment, as both of his parents were artists. Kippenberger’s father was an art teacher, and his mother was a painter. This early exposure to art played a significant role in shaping his artistic career.

During his school years, Kippenberger displayed a rebellious and experimental nature. He was known for his unconventional approach to art and often challenged traditional norms. After completing his education, he moved to Berlin to pursue his career as an artist.

Kippenberger’s artistic journey began in the late 1970s, where he became part of the burgeoning art scene in Berlin. He was associated with the “Neue Wilde” movement, which emphasized expressiveness and spontaneity in art. This period was crucial in shaping his artistic style and laid the foundation for his later works.

Physical Attributes

Height: Martin Kippenberger had an average height for a man, approximately 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm).

Weight: While there is no specific information available about his weight, Kippenberger maintained a relatively average build throughout his life.

Physical Appearance: Kippenberger had a distinctive appearance, often characterized by his unkempt hair and an air of nonchalant confidence. He often chose to present himself as an art-world “bad boy,” embracing a rebellious and eccentric persona.

Net Worth and Income

Martin Kippenberger’s net worth at the time of his untimely death in 1997 is difficult to determine due to the varying values of his works. However, his art continues to command significant prices at auctions and is highly sought after by collectors.

Throughout his career, Kippenberger struggled with financial stability, often living hand-to-mouth. Despite these challenges, his works gained recognition and critical acclaim, leading to increased demand and higher prices.

Kippenberger’s income primarily came from the sales of his art, as well as collaborations and commissions. He also participated in various group exhibitions and had solo shows at prestigious galleries and museums around the world.

Personal Details

Martin Kippenberger was known for his vibrant personality and rebellious nature. He lived life on his own terms and often challenged societal norms and expectations. His personal life was marked by a free-spirited approach and a constant desire for exploration and experimentation.

Kippenberger had a deep appreciation for music and often integrated it into his art. He was a talented musician himself and played in various bands throughout his career. His love for music and its influence on his art is evident in many of his works.

Despite his unconventional lifestyle, Kippenberger valued personal relationships and maintained close friendships with artists and other cultural figures. He was known for his wit and humor, often using satire as a tool to critique the art world and society at large.


Martin Kippenberger was the youngest of four siblings. His father, Gerd Kippenberger, was an art teacher, and his mother, Selma Kippenberger, was a painter. Growing up in an artistic household, Kippenberger was inspired and influenced by his parents’ creative pursuits.

Kippenberger’s family played a significant role in his artistic development. They provided him with an environment that nurtured his artistic talents and encouraged his creative exploration. The support and influence of his family can be seen in his early works and the path he chose as an artist.

Additionally, Kippenberger formed close bonds with his siblings and maintained strong relationships with them throughout his life. His sister, Susanne Kippenberger, later wrote a biography about him, shedding light on his personal life and artistic journey.

Professional Achievements

Martin Kippenberger’s contributions to the art world are immense and influential. He experimented with various mediums, including painting, sculpture, installations, and photography, and challenged the boundaries of art in innovative ways.

Kippenberger’s works are characterized by their boldness, wit, and irreverence. He often used humor and satire to address social and political issues, commenting on the art market, consumerism, and the role of the artist in society.

His artistic achievements include numerous solo exhibitions at prominent galleries and museums worldwide. Kippenberger’s works have been widely exhibited posthumously, with retrospectives held at prestigious institutions such as Tate Modern in London and MoMA in New York.

His impact on the art world continues to be felt, with his works inspiring and influencing younger generations of artists. Kippenberger’s legacy lies not only in his artistic output but also in his ability to challenge conventions, provoke dialogue, and blur the line between art and life.

Legacy and Influence

Martin Kippenberger’s legacy is a testament to his ability to push boundaries and challenge the status quo. His unconventional approach to art continues to inspire artists today, encouraging them to question established norms and explore new possibilities.

Throughout his career, Kippenberger broke down barriers between art and life, blurring the distinction between high and low culture. His multidisciplinary approach and willingness to experiment opened doors for artists to explore new mediums and engage with diverse forms of expression.

Today, Kippenberger’s works can be found in prestigious art collections worldwide, and his influence can be seen in contemporary art practices. He remains an important figure in the art world, remembered for his boldness, humor, and relentless pursuit of artistic freedom.


Martin Kippenberger was a provocative and fearless artist who left an indelible mark on the art world. His unique style, irreverent humor, and experimental approach continue to captivate audiences and inspire artists today. From his rebellious youth to his professional achievements and lasting legacy, Kippenberger’s contributions to the art world are significant and enduring.

Martin Kippenberger – Key Takeaways

  • Martin Kippenbergers ist einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts.
  • Sein Werk umfasst verschiedene Medien wie Malerei, Skulptur, Installation und Performance.
  • Kippenbergers Kunst ist bekannt für ihren provokanten, humorvollen und politischen Charakter.
  • Er war ein vielseitiger Künstler, der konventionelle Kunstnormen und Konventionen in Frage stellte.
  • Kippenberger hatte starken Einfluss auf die zeitgenössische Kunstszene in Deutschland und international.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Martin Kippenberger war ein einflussreicher deutscher Künstler, der für seine provokativen und vielfältigen Kunstwerke bekannt war. Hier sind einige häufig gestellte Fragen zu Martin Kippenberger und seinen Werken.

1. Wer war Martin Kippenberger?

Martin Kippenberger war ein deutscher Künstler, der von 1953 bis 1997 lebte. Er war bekannt für seine vielfältigen Kunstwerke, die verschiedene Medien wie Malerei, Skulptur, Installation, Fotografie und Performance-Kunst umfassten. Kippenbergers Arbeiten waren häufig provokativ, humorvoll und kritisch gegenüber politischen und soziokulturellen Themen. Er gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Künstler seiner Generation.

2. Was war sein bekanntestes Werk?

Eines von Martin Kippenbergers bekanntesten Werken ist die Installation “Der Künstler-Knecht”. Die Installation besteht aus einem zugemüllten Bett und einer überlebensgroßen Figur, die den Künstler selbst darstellt. Dieses Werk kritisiert die kommerzielle Seite des Kunstbetriebs und hinterfragt die Rolle des Künstlers als Diener des Marktes.

3. Welche Themen und Motive sind in Kippenbergers Werken häufig anzutreffen?

Kippenbergers Werke behandeln eine Vielzahl von Themen, darunter die Beziehung zwischen Künstler und Kunstmarkt, Identität, Popkultur und Politik. Er verwendete auch oft humorvolle und ironische Elemente in seinen Werken. Abgesehen von den Themen sind in Kippenbergers Werken auch verschiedene Motive wie Porträts, abstrakte Formen und Alltagsgegenstände zu finden.

4. Welche Auswirkungen hatte Kippenberger auf die zeitgenössische Kunstszene?

Kippenberger hatte einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die zeitgenössische Kunstszene. Er wurde als einer der wichtigsten Künstler seiner Zeit anerkannt und beeinflusste viele nachfolgende Künstler. Sein experimenteller Ansatz und seine kritische Haltung gegenüber etablierten Normen und Konventionen eröffneten neue Möglichkeiten für die Kunstschaffenden. Kippenberger wird oft für seine innovativen und unkonventionellen Herangehensweisen an die Kunst gefeiert.

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